Chaperone Survival Tips

Chaperone Survival Tips

Dear Chaperone,

Welcome! We appreciate that you have taken the time to volunteer as a field trip chaperone to the Children’s Science Explorium. A fun-filled and educational experience awaits you. To ensure that your visit to Sugar Sand Park is an enjoyable one, we remind you of the following policies and suggestions:

Most Importantly

  • It is mandatory to stay with and supervise assigned students at all times. It is recommended that chaperones NOT bring other children, as it takes the focus away from helping to monitor the students.
  • Chaperones and teachers are responsible for student behavior. If behavior is inappropriate, your school will be asked to leave the premises.

Prior to Arrival

  • Make sure to know the names and number of students in your group. Nametags are helpful.
  • Review the day’s agenda with the lead teacher. Field trips will include a one-hour science program, one-hour Explorium visit, lunch and playground session. Share the trip’s activities with students. This will help prepare them for the day ahead.

During your Visit

  • Do an occasional head count to ensure that each student is present. We recommend doing this when changing activities, during bathroom breaks and when entering or exiting the building.
  • Encourage questions! We often find that questions are a reflection of what the entire group is wondering.
  • If you do not know an answer, ask a staff member. Explorium staff are readily available to help, and will try to answer any questions.
  • Lastly, HAVE FUN! Learn with your group. Your interest in the program is contagious!